
sehari berlalu. esok ?






  1. Subjek kemahiran hidup terbahagi kepada 2 bahagian

    1. Teras

    2. Elektif

  2. Bahagian teras diwajibjan semua pelajar mengikuti dan mempelajarinya meliputi kemahiran bahagian

    1. Reka bentuk
    2. Elektrik
    3. Tanaman
    4. Jahitan
    5. Kerja paip asas
    6. Asas perniagaan
  3. Bahagian elektif pula terbahagi kepada 4 pilihan iaitu

    1. Pilihan KT - Kemahiran Teknikal
    2. Pilihan ERT - Ekonomi Rumah Tangga
    3. Pilihan PD - Perdagangan
    4. Pilihan SPN - Sains Pertanian
  4. Subjek kemahiran dipelajari secara lebih khusus di dalam bengkel atau makmal kemahiran hidup

  5. Bengkel atau makmal kemahiran hidup perlulah
    1. Dilengkapi dengan peralatan dan kemudahan untuk proses pembelajaran
    2. Terdapat ruang yang sesuai untuk pelajar belajar dan membuat latihan
    3. Peraturan yang diamalkan untuk mengekalkan keselamatan , kebersihan , dan keselesaan untuk belajar dan membuat latihan

Peraturan am penggunaan dan keselamatan bengkel kemahiran hidup

  1. Masuk setelah mendapat kebenaran dan arahan daripada guru
  2. Pakai pakaian yang sesuai dan memakai kasut getah
  3. Jangan berlari dan bermain di dalam bengkel
  4. Jangan menyentuh alatan dan mesin tanpa mendapat kebenaran dan penyeliaan daripada guru
  5. Duduk dan bekerja ditempat yang telah ditetapkan
  6. Jika berlaku kemalangan atau kecederaan , segera beritahu guru yang berkenaan
  7. Pastikan bengkel dalam keadaan selamat dan selesa ketika penggunaannya dan bersih serta kemas sebelum meninggalkannya.

Pakai pakaian yang sesuai dan kasut getah

Keselamatan di bengkel kemahiran hidup

  1. Bengkel haruslah memberikan keutamaan kepada keselamatan.
  2. Pengguna bengkel mestilah selamat sebelum menggunakan , semasa menggunakan dan selepas menggunakan bengkel dan segala peralatan di bengkel
  3. Guru dan pelajar mestilah tahu bagai mana bertindak apabila berlaku
    1. Kecederaan dan kemalangan
    2. Kejutan elektrik
    3. Kebakaran
  4. Bengkel perlu ada peti kecemasan yang mengandundi ubat luka dan sapuan untuk lecur serta kain balutan untuk kecederaan ringan.
  5. Jika berlaku kecederaan yang serius dan teruk hendakan dilaporkan kepada guru bertugas dan terus dirujuk kepada hospital yang terdekat
  6. Bengkel juga mesti mempunyai alat pencecah kebakaran yang berfungsi disetiap bengkel. Alat pencegah kebakaran mestilah digantung ditempat mudah dilihat dan mudah dicapai.
  7. Jika berlaku kebakaran besar hendaklah keluar dengan segera mengikut pelan kecemasan kebakaran dan memanggil bomba melalui talian kecemasan 999
  8. Jika berlaku sebarang kejutan elektrik, hendaklah dimatikan suis utama terlebih dahulu atau menekan suis keselamatan bengkel
  9. Jangan sentuh mangsa kejutan dengan tangan, gunakan kayu kering untuk mengalih mangsa daripada benda atau wayar yang menjadi punca kejutan elektrik



Hak cipta © Muhammad Khairi. 2006
Smk. Bukit Jana.. 34600 Kamunting

pilih sendiri

pilih sendiri

gergaji tangan


bagaimana nak buat litar elektronik


agensi kerajaan yang membantu usahawan


mesin jahit


vitamin B & Alzheimer's

Vitamin B 'puts off Alzheimer's'
By Jane Hughes Health correspondent, BBC News
CT scan Brain scan of a person with Alzheimer's

A new study suggests high doses of B vitamins may halve the rate of brain shrinkage in older people experiencing some of the warning signs of Alzheimer's disease.

Brain shrinkage is one of the symptoms of mild cognitive impairment, which often leads to dementia.

Researchers say this could be the first step towards finding a way to delay the onset of Alzheimer's.

Experts said the findings were important but more research was needed.

The study, published in the journal Public Library of Science One, looked at 168 elderly people experiencing levels of mental decline known as mild cognitive impairment.

This condition, marked by mild memory lapses and language problems, is beyond what can be explained by normal ageing and can be a precursor to Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.
Continue reading the main story
Related stories

* Eye test may detect Alzheimer's
* Alzheimer's drug 'halts' decline

Half of the volunteers were given a daily tablet containing levels of the B vitamins folate, B6 and B12 well above the recommended daily amount. The other half were given a placebo.

After two years, the rate at which their brains had shrunk was measured.

The average brain shrinks at a rate of 0.5% a year after the age of 60. The brains of those with mild cognitive impairment shrink twice as fast. Alzheimer's patients have brain shrinkage of 2.5% a year.

The team, from the Oxford Project to investigate Memory and Ageing (Optima), found that on average, in those taking vitamin supplements, brain shrinkage slowed by 30%.

In some cases it slowed by more than 50%, making their brain atrophy no worse than that of people without cognitive impairment.
'Protecting' the brain

Certain B vitamins - folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12 - control levels of a substance known as homocysteine in the blood. High levels of homocysteine are associated with faster brain shrinkage and Alzheimer's disease.
Continue reading the main story
“Start Quote

These vitamins are doing something to the brain structure - they're protecting it, and that's very important because we need to protect the brain to prevent Alzheimer's”

End Quote Professor David Smith Oxford University

The study authors believe it was the B vitamins' effect on levels of homocysteine that helped slow the rate of brain shrinkage.

The study author, Professor David Smith, said the results were more significant than he had expected.

"It's a bigger effect than anyone could have predicted," he said, "and it's telling us something biological.

"These vitamins are doing something to the brain structure - they're protecting it, and that's very important because we need to protect the brain to prevent Alzheimer's."

He said more research was now needed to see whether high doses of B vitamins actually prevented the development of Alzheimer's in people with mild cognitive impairment.

The Alzheimer's Research Trust, which co-funded the study, also called for further investigation.

"These are very important results, with B vitamins now showing a prospect of protecting some people from Alzheimer's in old age," said chief executive Rebecca Wood.

"The strong findings must inspire an expanded trial to follow people expected to develop Alzheimer's."

B vitamins are found naturally in many foods, including meat, fish, eggs and green vegetables.

Experts are advising against taking higher than recommended levels in the light of these findings.

Chris Kennard, chair of the Medical Research Council's Neurosciences and Mental Health Board, said: "We must be cautious when recommending supplements like vitamin B as there are separate health risks if taken in too high doses.

"Further research is required before we can recommend the supplement as a treatment for neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's."


Be careful what we eat…

Salam Semua,

QBB Ghee ada Lard (Lemak Babi)

Forward this email to boycott the product.

2 April 2010

Atte n tion: Ms. Tan Poh Hong


Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority

5, Maxwell Road

Tower Block, MND Complex

Singapore 069110

Dear Madam

We wish to inform your goodself that for years, our consumer group as many other faithful consumers have been using “QQB” Ghee for various delicacies and religious functions without doubt, with full confidence that the said product is manufactured from the milk of dairy cows by its highly reputable manufacturer based in Queensland, Australia.

However, lately, we found that although the colour and aroma had now varied much, the taste seemed to be somewhat different. Therefore, we investigated this matter and concluded the following matters:

· Its manufacturer Butter Producers’ Co-operative Federation Ltd (BPCF) addressed as No. 489, Kingsford Smith Drive, Hamilton, Brisbane, Australia had ceased operations in September 2006 and was no longer listed in the website of Australian trade authority being http://www.austrade/ . gov.au/ . In fact the satellite picture as the website http://maps . google.com shows that the following site is vacant land.

· Printed on the tin is that the said product is manufactured from milkfat of dairy cows of Australia and in even smaller and rather unclear script, it is mentioned that its manufacturer is Q.B.I. Packaging Sdn Bhd, No. 19, Lorong Keluli 1C, Kawasan Perindustrian Bukit Raja Selatan, 41050 Shah Alam, Selangor DE., Malaysia and that the said product is manufactured under license from QBB (Pte.) Ltd., Singapore.

· QBB Pte Ltd.., Singapore was originally the sole agent for “QBB” Ghee for Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei and it is not clear whether at the time when BPCF ceased operations in 2006, the “QBB” trademark rights were transferred from BPCF to QBB Ptd Ltd., Singapore. We suspect that Q.B.I. Packaging Sdn Bhd and QBB Ptd Ltd., Singapore are together carrying an act of piracy i.e. producing and selling a product whose legitimate manufacturing and sales rights were not transferred to them by its original manufacturer BPCF who was since wound up.

· The report of an analysis conducted by a reputable food technology laboratory in Australia on the contents of a 2-lb tin of this product, where the said tin was taken from Malaysia to Australia by one of our group members, mentions the following:-

“This product constitutes of decolorized and deodorized lard (pig fat) in semi-solid state with permitted additives giving the product color, flavor and aroma similar to that of pure ghee color, flavor and aroma.” (Original report is with the sender of this letter).

Therefore, our consumer group had to boycott the use of this product as:-

a) Our muslim members cannot use this product as it is haram by religion

b) Our Hindu and Sikh members cannot use this product for burning of ghee lamps, religious functions or for preparing sweetmeats as places of worship which forbid the use of any animal oil/animal fat.

c) Our vegetarian friends who only consume vegetarian diet cannot consume the said product.

We believe that the “QBB Ghee” sold in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei ever since BPCF closed down, is a product which is violating the related laws on the principle of “misrepresentation of label”. Therefore we hope that your goodself will take the appropriate action to stop the sale of this product.

Thanking you.

Letter signed by Mohd Kadir bin Mohd Karim (I/C No. 601223-10-6157)

Secretary of Kumpulan Konsumer Satu Malaysia (KKSM)

Note: Copy of this letter and analysis report sent to

YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Abd. Khalid bin Ibrahim, Menteri Besar Selangor DE


are we ?

Are we
no more than laboratory rats
programmed to behave according to a script
written by those who see us as animals,
whose only purpose is
to be saddled and ridden
according to their wishes.

Are we no more than slaves to
our own desire
for safety and comfort?

Is anything worth fighting for?

1940's education





- Tempat/kawasan/bilik khas (satu organisasi) yang digunakan untuk proses P & P

secara praktik.

- Dilengkapkan dengan stor/mesin & jentera, alatan tangan, bahan kerja dsb


- Ada kawasan (meja) kerja, paip air/kawasan pembersihan, stor peralatan dan

stor bahan.

- Keceriaan, kebersihan dan keselamatan diutamakan selalu.

- Suasana yang selesa dan memberangsangkan.

- Susunatur yang memudahkan, menjimatkan dan selamat.

Pengurusan Bengkel

- Meliputi aktiviti-aktiviti merancang, mengorganisasi - menyusun kerja, memi-pin dan mengawal, menilai dan menambahbaikkan bertujuan untuk mencapai matlamat organisasi.

Subjek Utama

- peraturan dan langkah-langkah keselamatan.

- kelengkapan, peralatan, bahan kerja dsb.

- ruang kerja, ruang P&P, stor (susunatur, dsb).

- jadual & rekod penggunaan bengkel.

- rekod penggunaan & pinjaman alatan dsb yang kemaskini

- rekod & senarai kelengkapan, mesin jentera, peralatan dan bahan yang kemaskini.

- pembelian/penerimaan/rekod.

Jadual, Senarai, Buku Rekod

- Jadual Penggunaan Bengkel.

- Senarai Alatan/kelengkapan dsb. – stor (simpanan).

- Buku Rekod penggunaan Alatan. (meja kerja)

- Buku/Kad Rekod Stok – Pejabat sekolah.

- Rekod Kecederaan/kemalangan.


- Isikan Borang Pesanan (pejabat sekolah),

- Serah kepada Ketua panitia

- Pengesahan Pengetua & pemesanan

- Penerimaan – semak, rekod, tandatangani Nota Hantaran/Invois,

dan serah ke Pejabat/Ketua Panitia.